Animal Testing and Cruelty-Free Shopping
Let’s face it, shopping is hard. In the not-too-distant past, it was easier. We didn’t always worry about whether our ...
Let’s face it, shopping is hard. In the not-too-distant past, it was easier. We didn’t always worry about whether our ...
Among the multitude of myths surrounding veganism is the insidious belief many have that to eat vegan is inherently expensive. ...
Thanksgiving has passed, the leftovers are gone, and your relatives have returned to their respective homes. This can only mean ...
Ah, Thanksgiving. From the once-a-year opportunity to eat five helpings of dessert, to the shame-free jaunting around in stretchy pants, ...
Being a vegan in college doesn’t mean you have to eat the same old foods every day. With a little bit of planning, you can easily eat fun, healthy, plant-based meals while attending classes and football games.
Interested in going vegan? Read our 8 need to know tips for becoming vegan and adjusting to your new lifestyle and diet.